Welcome to
Edinburgh Community Performing Arts CIC
for the good of the community
Who we are
Edinburgh Community Performing Arts CIC is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (SC711827) established in October 2021. We provide dance and performing arts opportunities for the benefit of the community.
Our Focus
The overarching focus of Edinburgh Community Performing Arts CIC is on equalities, diversity and inclusion. We aim to provide social opportunities through creative movement and dance activities targeted at individuals who may experience barriers to arts engagement.
We don't limit participation in our activities to people within certain locations. However, we actively seek to attract participants from deprived geographical areas within Edinburgh, including (for example): Sighhill, Stenhouse, Broomhouse and Drum Brae.
Our primary focus is supporting people to connect to each other and their community and to be creative. In particular, older people who are experiencing social isolation, people who have neurological diseases or health conditions, adults and young people who have learning and/or physical disabilities, young people from challenging backgrounds, and those in extreme poverty.
Our Aims
To work with older people, people with disabilities, young people and people in extreme poverty who are from deprived geographical areas. To provide free dance and movement activities to vulnerable people. We aim to:
Improve mental and physical wellbeing.
Increase confidence, self esteem and feelings of positivity.
Create social opportunities and reduce the sense of issolation.
Learn new skills in a supportive, and safe environment.
We rely on grants from various Trusts and Foundations and donations from individuals to run our activities and remove the barrier of cost for our participants.
Edinburgh Community Performing Arts has a voluntary Management Committee and all decisions on the spend of grants and donations is made by the voluntary Director and Management Committee.

Sponsor a class
Edinburgh Community Performing Arts are looking for generous individuals who believe in free community arts provision. If you want to support a vulnerable person to access our projects, you can sponsor a creative movement class.
You can sponsor one class attendance per month for £5, two class attendances per month for £10, or 4 class attendances per month for £20.
These donations will go towards the participation costs for individuals in Edinburgh who need it most.
Our Funders

Our Environmental Commitment
Edinburgh Community Performing Arts are members of Creative Carbon Scotland’s Green Arts Initiative. The Green Arts Initiative supports Scottish arts and cultural organisations to reduce their impact on the climate and environment, and to be at the forefront of creating a sustainable future for our sector and beyond.
We have a ‘Green Champion’, who is a member of staff and the main point of contact within the Green Arts Initiative. Edinburgh Community Performing Arts also make the following two commitments: (i) We will strive to improve our environmental efforts each year; & (ii) We will complete the annual feedback form on the environmental action we’ve taken each year.

Get in Touch
Edinburgh Community Performing Arts CIC
C/O DN Studios
9b South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9EB
0131 443 0753